Do you use individual StrideLinx router licenses for Cloud Logging and do you want to know how your license's available "data points per hour" are used? Continue reading below.
Do you use one of the new pricing plans? Then this support article does not apply to you.
What do you mean by “data points / hour”?
We distinguish our licenses by the amount of data points / hour that they allow you to log. Here's an easy example: if you’re logging 1 tag every minute, you're using a total of 1 x 60 = 60 data points / hour. If you’re unsure how much you really need, it’s best to simply activate the trial and try it out.
How are my data points used?
There are three ways to log your data: on interval, on value change and on a custom trigger. Tags that are being logged on interval reserve their configured data points / hour in advance. Tags that are logged on value change or custom trigger do not reserve their data points / hour in advance. Rather, they are used when a value is effectively logged.
When configuring to log on value change or custom trigger it's often difficult to reliably determine how often a value will actually change or get triggered. It's therefore difficult to determine how much data points / hour you would really need to make sure that you don't miss any data. Especially for the moments that critical machine events are happening.
To simplify this configuration process for you and, more importantly, so you don't miss any important machine data, the used data points / hour of these tags are allowed to exceed your license's total data points / hr on occasion. Please note that the individual tag's data points / hour limit (setting: "rate limit") ís enforced. So make sure that this is configured sufficiently high.