Device Connectivity
Connect your device StrideLinx router to the StrideLinx Cloud
Connect your StrideLinx router to the StrideLinx Cloud
- Connect your StrideLinx router to the StrideLinx Cloud via a wired connection
- Connect your StrideLinx router to the StrideLinx Cloud via a wireless connection
- Connect your StrideLinx router to the StrideLinx Cloud via a cellular connection
- StrideLinx router's local web interface
- Troubleshooting - unable to connect your StrideLinx router to the StrideLinx Cloud
Connection details
- Networking explained
- VPN, Configuration, and Data logging connections - what are they?
- How does your device connect to the StrideLinx Cloud? (ports, protocols & servers)
- VPN and MQTT connection - what are they?
- How much data does my StrideLinx router use?
- Troubleshooting - The StrideLinx router has internet access but doesn’t come online (SSL inspection)