If an StrideLinx router loses its connection, you can't provide remote service, monitor the machine, or receive machine alarms. Connection monitoring enables you to receive a notification when this happens so you are aware and can act accordingly. You can also receive a notification when the connection is restored.
If you want to receive notifications about machine events (e.g. emergency stop was pressed or heater temperature too high), take a look at Alarming instead.
Configure connection monitoring
- Go to Fleet Manager > Devices and click on your device name.
- In the left menu, go to More.
- Under Connection monitoring, add a notification for this device.
Field Description Connection Select the connection you want to be notified about. More information: VPN, Configuration, and Data logging connections - what are they?. Alarm name The alarm name will be shown in the title of the notification. Severity The severity indicates how important the alarm is and will be shown in the notification as well. Event and Duration The event and duration determine when the notification will be sent. Access category The access category determines which users receive the notification. More information: How to use access categories?. Instructions Add instructions to the notification to make sure appropriate action is taken. The instructions will be shown in the notification as well.
How are notifications received?
Notifications are received as:
- A message in your StrideLinx Cloud message center.
- An e-mail in your e-mail inbox.
- A notification on your mobile phone (requires the StrideLinx Portal mobile app).
- More options (SMS, call, escalation, etc) are available through third party services using webhooks.
Would you rather not receive certain notifications? Create a filter in your message center!