The StrideLinx Cloud has its own message center for important company and device messages. Accessible via [Messages] in the top right corner.
It works as follows. You will receive a message when a device from your company is transferred to another company or when any Cloud Notify alarm has been triggered.
Additionally, you will receive an e-mail as well as a push notification on your phone (requires the StrideLinx mobile app to be installed)
You can easily select all messages or mark all messages as read by pressingWebhooks
You can add a webhook for even more notification options. Using webhooks you can receive notifications in third-party devices.
Change the displayed time
Set the timezone to make sure all messages show the correct time.
Add a filter for incoming messages
By default, all users with access to a certain access category will always be notified of all alarms within that access category. A user can choose to change which alarm trigger he likes to receive and how he likes to receive them. Please follow the steps described below to manage your alarm triggers:
- Go to the StrideLinx Cloud if you are not already there.
- Go to Messages
, press on the settings menu
- Select [Configure filters], then select [Add a new filter]
- Choose the way you like to filter your alarms, then press [Confirm]. The table below contains information about your options.
Field | Description |
Message body contains | You can filter on text that is in the message body. Enter text that is in the message body to filter these messages. |
Message body does not contain | Enter text that is not in the message body to filter these messages. |
Events | Select the alarm type to filter a certain type of alarms. |
Companies | Select a StrideLinx Cloud Company to filter all messages for a certain company. |
mark as read | Select this to mark all notifications that meet the above criteria as read immediately. |
Delete | Select this to delete all notifications that meet the above criteria immediately. |
Don't send e-mail | You won't receive e-mails for all notifications that meet the above criteria if you select this option |
Don't send push notification | You won't receive push notifications for all notifications that meet the above criteria if you select this option |
Don't send webhook | You won't receive webhook notifications for all notifications that meet the above criteria if you select this option, and have set-up a webhook |
Push notifications
In Account > My profile, under Preferences > Push notifications, it is possible to turn push notifications on or off for the current device or disable them for other devices.
Message center is personal
The message center is different for every user, meaning that you cannot control messages for other users. The same applies to the configuration of filters and webhooks.