Do you want to make sure in advance that an StrideLinx router will work in a certain network? Or do you need to troubleshoot a network where it doesn't? Run the StrideLinx Check on a laptop using the same connection as the StrideLinx router.
- What is the StrideLinx Check?
- Instructions
- How to resolve failed tests
- Appendix: Ignorable log file messages
What is the StrideLinx Check?
The StrideLinx Check tests your current network to see whether an StrideLinx router or StrideLinx VPN Client will work in that network. It is a stand-alone troubleshooting tool that you can run on your laptop.
- Download the StrideLinx Check below:
Operating system StrideLinx Check Microsoft Windows StrideLinx.Check.exe (v1.0.0.0) Apple macOS In development Linux (graphical user interface) StrideLinx.Check (v1.0.0.0) - Open the StrideLinx Check on a laptop that is connected to the network you wish to test.
- On Linux, the permissions of the application need to be changed so that it can be executed.
chmod +x /path/to/StrideLinx.Check
- On Linux, the permissions of the application need to be changed so that it can be executed.
- Click Start to start the tests.
- Wait for the tests to complete.
- It generally takes a few minutes for all tests to complete.
- Did any test fail or give a warning? See How to resolve failed tests for help.
- The StrideLinx Check log file is a technical file with more advanced troubleshooting information. Note that some messages look like an error, but in fact are not and thus can be ignored. See Appendix: Ignorable log file messages for more details.
How to resolve failed tests
Did any of the tests fail or give a warning? Expand the test(s) below for detailed information to help resolve the problem.
Check if default gateway is configured
The default gateway is not configured on the selected network adapter. You can't connect to the internet without a default gateway.
Check your network configuration and verify that the default gateway is configured correctly.
Check if DNS servers are configured
There are no DNS servers configured on the selected network adapter. You can't connect to the internet without a DNS server.
Check your network configuration and verify that the DNS servers are configured correctly.
Ping default gateway
The default gateway did not reply to the ping messages. A default gateway is needed to access the internet and it's possible that the default gateway cannot be reached.
Contact the network administrator. There may be a network firewall policy that disallows pinging the default gateway. If that is the case, you can ignore this warning. If that is not the case, it indicates there is still a problem in your network configuration.
Ping DNS servers
The DNS server(s) did not reply to the ping messages. A DNS server is needed to access the internet and it's possible that the DNS server cannot be reached.
Contact the network administrator. There may be a network firewall policy that disallows pinging the DNS server(s). If that is the case, you can ignore this warning. If that is not the case, it indicates there is still a problem in your network configuration.
DNS lookup and
It is not possible to look up the IP addresses for these two public domains:
The StrideLinx router and StrideLinx VPN Client need to be able to do DNS lookup requests to function.
SolutionContact the network administrator. There may be a network firewall policy that disallows DNS requests for these specific domains. If that is the case, you can ignore this warning. If that is not the case, ask the network administrator to help resolve the problem. See the following article for more information: How does your device connect to the StrideLinx Cloud? (ports, protocols & servers).
DNS lookup core StrideLinx hostnames
It is not possible to look up the IP addresses for the core StrideLinx domains:
- * (tested hostname:
- * (tested hostname:
- * (tested hostname:
Without the IP addresses of StrideLinx hostnames, the StrideLinx router and StrideLinx VPN Client can't connect to StrideLinx Cloud.
SolutionContact the network administrator to help resolve the problem. The previous test provides additional insight: If the previous test passed, the DNS server uses whitelisting or blacklisting to (dis)allow certain domains. If the previous test did not pass, DNS requests in general are blocked. The following article contains more information about the StrideLinx servers and domains: How does your device connect to the StrideLinx Cloud? (ports, protocols & servers).
Ping core StrideLinx hostnames
It is not possible to access the core StrideLinx domains:
- * (tested hostname IP address:
- * (tested hostname IP address:
- * (tested hostname IP address:
Without access to the core StrideLinx domains, the StrideLinx router and StrideLinx VPN Client can't connect to StrideLinx Cloud.
SolutionContact the network administrator. There may be a network firewall policy that disallows pinging. If that is the case, you can ignore this warning. If that is not the case, ask the network administrator to help resolve the problem. The following article contains more information about the StrideLinx servers and domains: How does your device connect to the StrideLinx Cloud? (ports, protocols & servers).
DNS lookup
A DNS lookup is done for, returning an up-to-date IP list of all current StrideLinx servers. At least 50% of the reverse DNS lookup requests for these IP addresses failed. This test needs to pass to be able to perform the later MQTT connection test.
Contact the network administrator to help resolve the problem.
Test internet connection for packet loss
The internet connection is unstable (high packet loss) or slow (high latency).
Contact the network administrator. There may be a network firewall policy that disallows pinging. If that is the case, you can ignore this warning. If that is not the case, either try to improve the connection or try a different connection type. In general, a wired connection provides a more stable connection compared to a Wi-Fi or cellular connection.
Check computer local date and time
The time on the local computer is out of sync, which causes server certificate validation to fail, which in turn is necessary to establish a secure connection.
Update the time on your computer.
Test stealth mode connection
It is not possible to set up a secure connection using port 8443, which is used for Stealth Mode. The connection is blocked by the network firewall.
Check the Stealth mode setting on your StrideLinx router and/or StrideLinx VPN Client. If you are not using Stealth Mode, you can ignore this warning. If you are using Stealth Mode, either disable Stealth Mode or contact the network administrator to allow the necessary traffic through the network firewall. The following articles contain more information: StrideLinx router, StrideLinx VPN Client.
Test StrideLinx API connection
A secure connection to the StrideLinx API could not be established. Either the connection attempt was blocked or it was intercepted by the network firewall, replacing the connection certificate, before it was sent to the StrideLinx API. Intercepted connections are not considered secure and such connection attempts are aborted.
Contact the network administrator to allow the necessary traffic through the network firewall and make sure to whitelist the connection from any SSL inspection, deep packet inspection, or similarly named features in the network firewall. See the following articles for more information: Connection details, SSL inspection.
Test StrideLinx API communication
Communication with the StrideLinx API failed. The network firewall prevents access to any API in general or to the StrideLinx API specifically. Communication with the StrideLinx API is necessary to establish a secure connection.
Contact the network administrator to allow the necessary traffic through the network firewall and make sure to whitelist the connection from any SSL inspection, deep packet inspection, application inspection, or similarly named features in the network firewall. See the following articles for more information: Connection details, SSL inspection.
Test MQTT connection
A secure MQTT connection to StrideLinx's servers could not be established. The connection attempt was either intercepted or blocked by the network firewall. This connection is used to support specific features (e.g. StrideLinx router configuration updates, firmware updates, and more).
Contact the network administrator to allow the necessary traffic through the network firewall. See the following article for more information: How does your device connect to the StrideLinx Cloud? (ports, protocols & servers).
Appendix: Ignorable log file messages
The StrideLinx Check log file is a technical file with more advanced troubleshooting information. Note that some messages look like an error, but in fact are not and thus can be ignored. These are listed below.
DNS lookup
Cannot resolve host: x.x.x.x
dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss - DNS lookup
No such host is known.
From the list of 200+ IP addresses returned on a DNS lookup for, 20 to 30 hostnames cannot be resolved because they don't have a reverse DNS record. The test only fails if it is not possible to do a reverse DNS lookup for more than 50% of the IP addresses.
Test StrideLinx API connection
Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (UNAUTHORIZED).
at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
at StrideLinx.Check.Server.StrideLinxNetworkChecks.IxonNetworkSecurityChecker.CheckIxonApiForMITMAsync(CancellationToken token)
This indicates a successful test. For security and practical reasons, StrideLinx Check is not authorized to establish the full connection.
Test StrideLinx API communication
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Request failed with status code BadRequest {"status": "error", "data": [{"message": "Missing header: IXapi-Version"}], "type": "Error", "count": 1, "links": []} dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss - Test StrideLinx API communication System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Request failed with status code BadRequest {"type": "Error", "data": [{"message": "Required header", "propertyName": "Api-Version"}], "moreAfter": null, "status": "error"}
This indicates a successful test. For security and practical reasons, StrideLinx Check is not authorized to establish the full connection.
Test MQTT connection
Error while authenticating. Connection closed.
at MQTTnet.Client.MqttClient.Authenticate(IMqttChannelAdapter channelAdapter, MqttClientOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MQTTnet.Client.MqttClient.ConnectInternal(IMqttChannelAdapter channelAdapter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MQTTnet.Client.MqttClient.ConnectAsync(MqttClientOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MQTTnet.Client.MqttClient.ConnectAsync(MqttClientOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at StrideLinx.Check.Server.StrideLinxNetworkChecks.IxonNetworkSecurityChecker.CheckMqttConnectionAsync(CancellationToken token)
This indicates a successful test. For security and practical reasons, StrideLinx Check is not authorized to establish the full connection.